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Mr. Jung-Hoon Choi

Indiana: Юн Хун Цой, Южная Корея В кинологии с 70 -х . Занимался породами немецкая овчарка, хаски, той группа и тд. В 1986 судья по всем породам, с 1998 по всем породам ФЦИ. В настоящее время входит в правление ККФ, ранее был председателем судейского комитета. Mr. Jung-Hoon Choi Judging Qualification: FCI/AKU/FCI All-Breed Judge Former chairman of judging committee Director of the KKF Breeding Career: He began breeding Korea Jindo dog and German Shepherd Dog in the 1970s. After that, he has been involved in breeding Chihuahua, Yorkshire Terrier, Siberian Husky, Pomeranian, Dachshunds, many kinds of toy group and so on. Judging Career: He was qualified as KKF all-breed judge in 1986 and FCI all-breed judge in 1998. He has been judging at many shows throughout Korea including the FCI International dog shows. He also judged in China, Japan, the Philippines, the Republic of China and Thailand.

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